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The Club typically meets the second Wednesday of each month. Most meetings start at 9:30AM, with a brief business agenda, at the Memorial Congregational Church (MCC). Be sure to check each month’s listing since time and location may vary. Some meetings may be held on Zoom. Each meeting begins with a social period and light refreshments, followed by a business meeting and our featured speaker or program. Click on the underlined name of each speaker to visit his/her website and find out more about him/her. We follow the Sudbury School System’s weather-related decisions. If school is delayed or cancelled, our meeting is cancelled. You will receive notification by email, text or phone.


Note: All members are invited to attend Board meetings which are typically held on the fourth Wednesday of the month.


The public is invited to join us at 10:30AM to enjoy the programs described below.

Welcome Back!

September 11, 2024
9:30-11:30 AM
Memorial Congregational Church

Our fellow Garden Club member Kaffee Kang will share her love for oil painting. Get an artist’s perspective on what it takes to make a “successful” painting. Learn to tap into your visual sensibilities and become a better “viewer”, as she tries to de-mystify the creative process, artistic inspiration, and the visual arts, in general.As we return from our summer adventures, we welcome all our members and a new slate of officers.

Wild Edible Plants of Sudbury
October 9, 2024
9:30-11:30 AM
Memorial Congregational Church

Presented by Russ Cohen

Through Russ’s talk we will learn that we are surrounded by edible wild plants, including non-native weeds and invasive species, as well as native and edible wild mushrooms. He will also advise on which species we can plant in our yards to yield delicious bounty. His focus will be on native Sudbury plants and invasives/weeds, how to identify them and tips on preparing them for your dinner table. He is an expert in creating edible landscapes and will advise us on species that thrive in our gardens. Samples of foraged goodies will be offered for tasting. The latest printing of his book, Wild Plants I Have Known and Eaten, may be available for sale.​

MMGA Prison Outreach Program
November 6, 2024
 9:30-11:30 AM
Memorial Congregational Church

Presented by Barbara Mcintosh

MMGA Prison Outreach  Program:  the MMGA (Massachusetts Master Gardener Association) conducts an outreach program in the following prisons in Massachusetts: MCI Concord, MCI Framingham, MCI Shirley, NECC, and Pondville. Our volunteerism is exclusively in teaching horticulture best practices. We work with inmates to establish and maintain vegetable and landscape gardens weekly for 2-3 hours to provide educational opportunities and hands-on learning in the gardens. Our program has published a brochure on 25 green industry businesses that are willing to hire a formerly incarcerated person. Our goal is to provide a way for them to utilize the education and training they have received and to lower recidivism by providing them with employment opportunities. Our program runs from February through October in most prisons. We look forward to sharing information and accomplishments of this program with you.

Holiday Party
December 11, 2024
Time TBD
Location TBD

Sorry, members only!

Welcoming Native Plants and Insects to your Garden and Sustainable Gardening
January 8, 2025
7:00 PM
Joint zoom meeting with
Thursday Garden Club

Presented by Rebecca Warner

In this talk, Rebecca will explain why we need native plants to support native insects in our gardens. She’ll show how you can add natives to enhance your garden without giving up the plants you love. Rebecca will also recount her journey toward sustainable gardening and how she settled on the new methods she selected. Listeners can use her experiences to help set their own goals for gardening sustainably.

Container Gardening
February 12, 2025
9:30-11:30 AM

Memorial Congregational Church

Presented by Heather Halsey

Heather Halsey, Sudbury Garden Club Member, Massachusetts Master Gardener and Massachusetts Certified Horticulturist, will present a talk on Container Gardening using house plants, perennials, bulbs, annuals and even vegetables. Heather will give a dazzling presentation of her work with these different types of plant material and will demonstrate several container designs to be raffled off at the end of the meeting.

Basics of Birding
March 12, 2025
9:30-11:30 AM
Memorial Congregational Church
(Ames Hall)
Joint Meeting with Thursday Garden Club (Members Only.)


Presented by Mike Perrin

​Join Mike Perrin, SVT's Conservation Associate, for a program covering the basics of birding. Mike is an avid hobby birder and has been involved in projects with the Audubon Society of Rhode Island, Audubon Vermont, and the Boxborough Birders club. Mike will provide an overview about birding as a hobby, how to identify bird species, and how to access resources to learn more about avifauna. Mike will also include information on the interactions between birds and gardens, which are often wonderful birding hotspots!

Elegant Edibles
April 9, 2025
9:30-11:30 AM
Memorial Congregational Church

Presented by Dawn Davies

The aspiration of the “Elegant Edibles” presentation is to inspire all levels of gardeners to appreciate the beauty of vegetables, herbs, and other edible plants and to encourage them to incorporate them into their own gardens as part of a fabulous and productive landscape. Learn about new ways to think about how to mix your vegetables, herbs and other edible plants with the other plants in your own home garden! Handout provided that details the plants and information shown in the presentation.

General Meeting
May 14, 2025
9:30-11:30 AM
Memorial Congregational Church

Come to hear a review of the Plant Sale. We will give a brief overview of our committees.  This is an opportunity to ask questions about how the Club operates and each committee’s role. Newer members may find this particularly useful. 


You will also be able to sign up, if you haven’t already, for committees, hospitality, and library flowers.


Our members will also be available to answer any gardening questions you have as we enter the gardening season.

Annual Meeting
June 4, 2025
Time TBD
Place TBD

Members only!

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